Preserving Maine's Outdoor Heritage
Through Education & Advocacy

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Maine Guides Education Fund Mission

Our Traditions are at Risk

For over one hundred years, Maine Guides have been stewards of wildlife and natural resources, and advocates of outdoor recreation traditions.

But now those resources and traditions are seriously endangered.

The Maine Guides Education Fund was created in response to concerns about the future of Maine's Outdoor Heritage and traditions, and the effect of diminishing public access to our natural resources resulting from recent trends in land and wildlife management policies.


The Maine Guides Education Fund's is to educate and advocate regarding outdoor recreation, public access, land conservation, land use policy, fish and wildlife management, and the sustainable use of natural resources,  and to participate with Maine's industry, land owners, land managers, agricultural  interests, State and Federal governments, sporting and conservation groups, to ensure the future of Maine's outdoor recreation heritage traditions including hunting, fishing, camping, canoeing and snowmobiling.


Your Support is vital

Your donation is needed right now. Your donation can help get the ball rolling to preserve Maine's outdoor heritage.

Getting out our message to the public and policy makers about recreation, land use, and wildlife policies is vital so they can make informed choices that will protect Maine's sporting traditions.

Our success will make the difference on whether or not we will face more gates, doors and policies shutting us off from our recreation and livelihoods.

Please use the form on this website and send what you can. All donations help.

Donations are Deductible

The Maine Guides Education Fund is a 501c3 public charity - Your donation is tax deductible.


Donation Form

Maine Guides Education Fund
Is an initiative of Registered Maine Guides and the
Maine Professional Guides Association
P.O. Box 603
Patten, Maine 04765